“How to Getting the Best Looking Lawn?” is asked by People that Want a Home with Curb Appeal!
This question has many variations to attain the most beautiful lawn that’s full, lush green, and healthy. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. How to achieve the Best Lawn Care will vary depending on the grass type, the weather, the seasonal climate you live in, and the amount of time and money you are willing to invest over the year on Lawn Care Tasks. The following are significant Lawn Care Tasks for maintaining the health and appearance of your lawn. This article is by Collins provides useful tips and expert information to help you get the best-looking lawn, whether you choose Collins or not.

Collins provides typical lawn care for this customer’s property in Pinellas County. We let our results speak for us, “Beautiful lush, green lawns that are weed-free!”
Lawn Care Tasks must be performed with discipline and executed like clockwork:
- Water your lawn regularly. The water needed for your lawn will vary depending on the season and weather, but watering deeply and infrequently is a good rule of thumb. This will help encourage deep root growth, making your lawn more drought-tolerant.
- Mow your lawn regularly. Mowing your lawn at the correct height will help to prevent weeds from taking over and will also help to keep your lawn looking its best. A good rule of thumb is to mow your lawn when it is 2-3 inches high. See our Grass Cutting Height Chart on our Mowing webpage.
- Remove debris. Remove debris such as litter, leaves, twigs, and branches from your lawn regularly. This will help to prevent pests and diseases from taking hold. A clean, green lawn will always look good and maximize curb appeal.
- Execute a Lawn Care Plan. The Lawn Care Plan must be customized to your lawn and performed by someone knowledgeable in local horticulture and landscape products. Lawn treatments must be performed safely and effectively applied the right amount of fertilization, pest, disease, and weed control. Years of lawn care experience and know-how are essential to achieve expert results. The easy way is to hire Collins Lawn Care, an excellent choice for creating, executing, and managing a Lawn Care Plan. Collins will handle the tasks to get the lawn you want, except for tasks 1 through 3, which are the customer’s responsibility.
- Constantly monitor the lawn conditions. Collins will monitor your lawn during each service visit and rely on you to promptly report any health issues with your lawn to us. Collins wants to know if your grass changes in color, has any dead areas or brown spots, and any changes in appearance that indicate a health issue. Collins encourages customers to use the website’s online form Report a Landscape Problem to notify us of any lawn issues.
Discovering these problems quickly is vital. “Nipping problems in the bud” can save you money. Problems must be analyzed to determine how to keep the grass healthy and stop the spread of an issue that can kill your whole lawn. The analysis and possible remedy take knowledge and experience, and that’s the reason why you want to hire Collins to do your Lawn Care. - React to issues or lawn problems ASAP. Once Collins analyzes the problem, we will provide a solution. Whether the problem is a broken sprinkler, chinch bugs, poor drainage, too much thatching, or something else, Collins will ensure that the customer understands the service solution and its importance. If the solution is part of Collins’ existing service, the service solution will be delivered without delay. If the service solution is a supplement service outside the regular service visits, the customer will decide to have it done.
- Fertilizing at the right time. Fertilizing will provide the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and green. Be sure to choose a fertilizer appropriate for your grass type and the proper amount. Applying the fertilizer at the right time in the season and according to the manufacturer’s specifications is vital to the lawn’s health and the environment.
- Control weeds. Weeds can quickly take over a lawn if they are not controlled. There are many ways to control weeds, including weeding by hand and using herbicides. Collins uses the most effective application methods and high-quality products appropriate for the type of weeds to be eliminated.
- Proactively apply pesticide and disease control. Collins reads the latest trends in the Tampa Bay area and recommendations from the University of Florida and will, in response, provide proactive treatments for insect & disease control. Also, in response to a lawn issue, Collins will also react to lawn health issues by promptly applying the proper pesticide or disease control products to solve the problem.
- Aerating your lawn as required. Aerating your lawn will help to improve drainage, stimulate root growth and air circulation, which will help to keep your lawn healthy. Aeration Services are usually performed once or twice a year, depending on the soil and grass. You can aerate yourself or choose the easy way and hire Collins to perform Aeration Services for you professionally.
- Dethatch your lawn when needed. Dethatch your lawn to remove thatch, a layer of dead grass and organic matter that can build up on the surface of your lawn. Thatch can prevent water and nutrients from reaching the roots of your grass, leading to problems such as brown patches and weeds. You can dethatch your lawn yourself or, again, choose the easy way and hire Collins Lawn Care to do it professionally.
If done correctly and with constant discipline, these above Lawn Care Tasks can result in a great-looking and healthy lawn. You can spend the time, effort, and money to do it yourself, or you can do it the easy way by hiring Collins Lawn Care.
Collins offers a new Lawn Care service called Collins Premium Lawn Care. This new service is the most comprehensive and top-notch superior lawn care you can buy in the Tampa Bay area. We fully guarantee the results to succeed. Our Premium Lawn Care service is a monthly service. We provide 12 treatments a year. For our free quote, click Get Our Free Quote and Lawn Assessment.